Thursday, 28 December 2023

Focus on Blues

I made a video painting out a range of blues to show a range of what is available, rather than just the ones I use or recommend. I have made similar videos showing greens and earth colours, though as there are so many more options I have focused on my favourites for those. 

You can see all these blues and more on my website here, where they are arranged by pigment number.

Here are the ones I chose for the video, which can be found here. I plan to create a number of YouTube videos this year, sharing more about colours but also sketchbooks, techniques, brushes, inks and so on. 

These are not in any particular order, except to have similar colours close enough to each other for easy comparisons. The brands shown are VD (Da Vinci), DS (Daniel Smith), Sch (Schmincke) and Are (Kremer). Cobalt Blue is D.S.


Wishing you and yours all the very best for 2024. Happy painting!


  1. I can manage one yellow and two red,but I need at least 4 blues to feel safe. My palette do not agree but I would like to take all the blues everywhere with me. 😍
