
Monday 29 December 2014

The Blue Mountains

I spent the weekend at Blackheath in the Blue Mountains, and returned to Evan's Lookout to sketch another view of the cliffs looking to the left. The shadows were very strong in the morning, and the sun very hot. Last time I sketched here is was very cold and I did the view to looking more to the right.

(I have another post about sketching in the Blue Mountains here)
This is actually across a double page in my sketchbook but I need to figure out how to 'stitch' photos. It is a smaller study of the view from Pulpit Rock. This sketch was done on a very misty and cold morning. Such temperature changes in one weekend!


  1. Jane--I have some double page sketches I have not posted yet, as I did not know how to 'stitch them together.' I still haven't explored that beyond asking friends, and capturing a 'note to self' that there is a program out there called ICE which combines scanned images together seamlessly. Best of luck.

    1. Thank you Frances for this suggestion - I'll try to find out how to do it. I intend to re-scan them on a larger scanner eventually but being able to stitch would be much simpler :-)
